How to spend your tax refund
While it may be tempting to go splurge the funds on a TV, but there are definitely better ways you can use your tax refund
What my Dad taught me about money
Just in time for Father’s Day, here are the top 5 money moves I leaned from my Dad
What Happens if You Only Make the Minimum Credit Card Payment
This got me thinking about what happens if you only pay off the minimum on your credit card…
How to Get Some Relief From Holiday Spending
So the Christmas tree is gone, the decorations are back in storage and you are back at work – now when you look at your pocketbook, you realized that you overspent this holiday season.
The Joy of Savings : Compound Interest
When I was young, I would say around ten years old; my dad taught me two magic words – compound interest. Yes at that time interest rates were 12%... ahh the good old days.
Sh*t Happens: How to Create an Emergency Fund
We’ve all been there, the washing machine breaks down, there is an issue with the car, and we need to put the bill on a credit card. There is nothing wrong with that, but if we don’t have the funds to pay for the bill, we are just pushing ourselves further into debt.
When Is It a BAD Idea to Take a Store Credit Card
So there I was in my favourite clothing store in Fairview, and when I was ready to pay, the gal behind the counter said a few magic words: “Would you like to save an extra 20% today by applying for a [enter store name here] credit card?”
What the heck is the difference between RRSPs, TFSAs and RRIFs?
So I was out last night for dinner with my good friend Lynette and the discussion moved towards finances, as it often does! She asked about the differences between RRSPs, TFSAs and RRIFs. So here is a primer:
Top 6 Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor
With tax season right around the corner, I was thinking what are the questions that we should be asking financial planners at different stages of life; ie: when you are starting to first invest and what to ask if your are a seasoned investor.
How to Start Saving Money
Raise your hand if you think the words “saving,” “investing,” “retirement” are sexy words? Anyone? Anyone?
How about having a nice cash cushion in your bank account, how do you like the sound of that?
Getting Married? Whoo-hoo! Now, Read How to Protect Your Dough
So you are getting hitched! Congrats, now here’s how to safeguard your dough.